Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Energy saving checklistAs the costs of energy continue to rise it's important for businesses to reduce consumption by as much as possible. Our checklist provides some suggestions on how to achieve this in an office environment.Four energy-saving areas... Read more
10 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Energy management policyThe cost of energy used to be something that businesses didn't really pay much attention to; however, now prices have gone through the roof. To help you cut costs and to minimise your impact on the environment, follow our forma... Read more
05 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Environmental risk assessmentOur environmental risk assessment is in line with the latest guidance from the Environment Agency. It can be used to identify potential hazards and how they should be managed.New approachThe Environment Agency (EA) has pr... Read more
01 Jul 2017
Credits: 1
Employee energy questionnaireFinding ways to reduce energy consumption can feel daunting. Involve your employees and ask them about their attitude to energy use in the workplace and whether they have any ideas that you can use.Using the formInvolving... Read more
03 Mar 2023
Credits: 1
Fire safety policyA fire safety policy is a document that outlines how you intend to manage the risks associated with fire. It shouldn't be a complicated document and should be available for all staff and visitors to see.A statement of intentOur Fire ... Read more
16 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Special evacuation procedureYour standard evacuation procedure should be adequate for the majority of occupants but does it cover disabled visitors and members of the public? If not, use our template procedure.Equal escapeIf you have staff who need a... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Fire safety law - a quick guideIf you need to know how fire safety law applies to your premises, then our quick guide is a good place to begin. It answers the most common questions asked.What's covered?Our Fire Safety Law - A Quick Guide covers freque... Read more
14 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Personal emergency evacuation planNot everyone may be able to follow your emergency evacuation procedures. In these instances, you need to create an individual plan.When is it needed?If you have staff, pupils or residents who are either disabled or h... Read more
03 Mar 2023
Credits: 1
Fire service strike checklistWe probably take it for granted that if all else fails, the Fire & Rescue Service will be there, whether it's responding to a fire or some other emergency. So if there's a fire service strike, you'll need to be prepared. Tha... Read more
26 Nov 2010
Credits: 1
Responsible person role and authorisationThe Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 introduced the role of "responsible person" (RP) and made it clear that all employers automatically take on this role in respect of their premises and activities. R... Read more
14 Dec 2015
Credits: 1