Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Time off to look for work on redundancy letterAn employee who has been given notice of redundancy and who has two years' continuous employment is entitled to reasonable time off work during their notice period to look for a new job or arrange training... Read more
08 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Rejection of candidate after interview letterAfter the recruitment process has concluded, reject the unsuccessful interviewees and then destroy their personal information after a reasonable period of time, e.g. six months, and in accordance with the ... Read more
31 May 2018
Credits: 1
 Invitation to attend return-to-work interviewIt's a proven fact that any employee who is required to attend a return-to-work interview following a period of sickness absence will think twice about taking any time off in the first place. Invite an em... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
 Letter declining fit note recommendations Employers are not obliged to accept the advice set out in a statement of fitness for work (fit note). Before taking any decision, however, you must discuss it with the employee. If you decide to reject it, ... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
Rejection of candidate before interview letterOur rejection of candidate before interview letter provides three alternative grounds for rejection of an application for employment. It's important to be entirely objective in and be able to justify your ... Read more
10 Jul 2015
Credits: 1
Consultancy offer letterOur consultancy offer letter is designed to complement our consultancy agreement - issue it to make an offer of engagement to a self-employed consultant and then, once the offer has been accepted, you can later follow it up wi... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter appointing a disciplinary investigation managerWhere disciplinary allegations are made against an employee, the first stage is to appoint a manager to conduct an investigation, the purpose of which is to ascertain whether or not there is a pot... Read more
30 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Final performance warning for first incompetenceWhere you've held a formal performance meeting, if the employee's poor performance is sufficiently serious, you may be able to go straight to issuing them with a final performance warning.Appropriate acti... Read more
07 Feb 2023
Credits: 1
Failure to attend performance review meeting letterYou can use our letter where an employee has failed to turn up for a formal performance review meeting. This usually happens when they refuse to face up to their poor performance.A re-arranged meetin... Read more
12 Dec 2022
Credits: 1
Final written warning for first misconduct offenceFollowing a disciplinary hearing, it may be possible in some cases for you to skip the first written warning stage and move straight to issuing the employee with a final written warning. Our letter co... Read more
07 Jul 2022
Credits: 1