Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter chasing statement of fitness for workUse our letter to notify an employee who has failed to respond to a previous request to provide a statement of fitness for work, or fit note, for sickness absence lasting more than seven days of the consequ... Read more
14 Feb 2020
Credits: 1
Successful trial period in alternative workWhere an employee accepts an alternative post during a redundancy programme, if the terms and conditions differ from those of their current post, there's a statutory trial period for both parties to establish... Read more
07 Mar 2018
Credits: 1
Notification of potential dismissal (SOSR or statutory bar)It is potentially fair to dismiss an employee for "some other substantial reason" capable of justifying dismissal. This is the "catch all" acceptable reason for dismissal. It is also potentially ... Read more
11 Apr 2022
Credits: 1
Response to retirement notificationWhere an employee has notified you of their intention to retire, you should acknowledge receipt of their notice and arrange a meeting with them so that you can discuss the retirement arrangements. Our letter also co... Read more
07 Mar 2018
Credits: 1
Response to resignationWhere an employee resigns in amicable circumstances, you should write to them confirming receipt of their resignation and setting out the arrangements for termination of their employment. Strictly speaking, there is no obligati... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Breastfeeding arrangements letterSend our letter to an employee returning from maternity leave to confirm the arrangements that you've made to support them in breastfeeding their baby after their return to work. The law states that you must provide a ... Read more
10 Oct 2017
Credits: 1
Approval of parental leave requestUnless you postpone parental leave in accordance with the statutory provisions, you must accept an employee's parental leave request. Request grantedOnce you receive a parental leave request, assuming it's been made co... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter to employee who offers a gift/hospitality without approval There can be serious consequences for those employers who breach the Bribery Act 2010.  To stay on the right side of the law, ban all staff from offering any corporate gifts or hospita... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
 Letter to employee who accepts a gift/hospitality without approval The Bribery Act 2010 is a serious piece of legislation; there can be consequences for those employers who breach it. To stay on the right side of the law, you should prohibit staff f... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
Dismissal due to poor performance When you want to confirm a dismissal on the ground of poor performance, you will need our dismissal letter. This is the final sanction for a lack of capability that isn't the employee's fault. Potentially fair dismissa... Read more
08 Mar 2016
Credits: 1