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Asbestos surveyor checklist

When appointing an asbestos surveyor you should be cautious as not all those offering such services are up to the job. Use our checklist to make an informed choice.

Why you need it

Asbestos surveying is only lightly regulated which has left this relatively well paid industry open to abuse. So if you’re choosing a surveyor you need to check out their qualifications and experience. That’s where our Asbestos Surveyor Checklist comes in. It contains ten key questions to ask before signing on the dotted line.

The questions examine evidence that the surveying company is competent. By completing it and saving the results of your investigation you’ll be able to prove your actions. This makes it much more likely that asbestos will be identified where it ought to be, and could be important if the survey results ever come under scrutiny, e.g. as a result of a future asbestos incident.