Introduction to this document

Register - H&S aspects and impacts

A key component of a formal health and safety management system is an aspects and impacts register. Our model document will fulfil the requirements.

Systems approach

If you want to implement a formal management system - especially if you’re considering having it certified as compliant with ISO 45001 - one of the requirements is that you have assessed the aspects and impacts associated with your activities.

What are these?

 In our Register - H&S Aspects and Impacts document we have done most of the work for you. We have identified what “Aspects” you might have to deal with, the “Impact” they might have on your business and the “Control measures” required to manage them effectively.

Simplistic approach

To keep it simple, we’ve entered all this information into a table. This kind of document has the potential to become long and unwieldy so, starting with the aspects, we have kept the list to just six. These are: (1) “Accidents”; (2) “Ill health”; (3) “Enforcement action”; (4) “Prosecution”; (5) “Civil claims”; and (6) “Reputational damage”.


What can happen

We have also kept the detail of the impact on your business to the point. For example, for ill health we have stated that “Ill health conditions created or made worse by the employee’s work. Conditions include: noise induced hearing loss, vibration white finger, other.” Of course, there’s nothing to stop you from adding additional information to the register.


The register includes a list of control measures which will minimise the likelihood of the aspect occurring.