Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - preventing arson

This briefing addresses the key risks and control measures needed to prevent arson.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Preventing Arson is to ensure that all staff are fully aware of the potential risks of arson, e.g. serious fires resulting in injuries or death to themselves or other people, and property damage.

Hazards and risks

The following are potential incidents that could occur if the risks associated with preventing arson aren’t addressed: burns to skin, loss of life caused by attempted fire fighting or being in a burning building.


Control measures include ensuring that the property is secured, skips are kept away from perimeter fencing and external lighting is maintained.

Key points

Attendees must take note of the following key points:

  • Check property at night to ensure that all doors and windows are locked.
  • Regularly check external fencing.
  • Regularly check external lighting.
  • Keep skips away from the building perimeter and locked.
  • Empty skips on a regular basis.