Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - head protection

This briefing provides essential information for workers on the subject of head protection.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Head Protection is to ensure that workers understand the types of hazard which require them to wear head protection, the different styles of equipment available and the rules for care and use

Hazards and reasons for concern

The hazards against which head protection is needed in the workplace include falling objects, low structures, swinging tools and ejected materials, riding and driving, sports, potential violence and chemicals. The primary risks are of head and facial injury. There are also secondary risks if a worker is knocked unconscious. 

Control measures

The briefing includes a list of measures which workers must take to protect their head and face.

Key points

Attendees must take note of the following key points:

  • Comply with signs indicating compulsory head protection zones.
  • Use your head - wear head protection when it is needed due to the hazards present.
  • Wear the right head protection for the job - check risk assessments and COSHH assessments.
  • Wear it properly as the manufacturer intended.
  • Take care of the head protection and do not modify it. Ask for a replacement if the equipment has become damaged.