Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - refuelling portable tools

This briefing addresses the key risks and control measures needed to manage the refuelling of portable tools.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Refuelling Portable Tools is to ensure that all staff are fully aware of the potential risks to personal safety when carrying out refuelling operations.

Hazards and risks

The briefing identifies the hazards and risks including smoking, failing to use a purpose-designed container and not turning off the engine before starting the refuelling process.


Control measures include completing a risk assessment, providing staff with correct training and issuing staff with personal protective equipment.

Key points

Attendees must take note of the following key points:

  • Always carry out refuelling in an area with good ventilation.
  • Avoid sources of ignition.
  • Ensure engines are turned off prior to refuelling.
  • Clean up spillages immediately.