Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - using flammable liquids

This briefing provides essential key points and control measures needed to ensure that flammable liquids are handled and stored safely.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Using Flammable Liquids is to ensure all staff are fully aware of the potential risks associated with flammable liquids.

Hazards and risks

The briefing identifies the hazards and risks including slips, trips and falls, exposure to potentially hazardous substances, fire and pollution.


Control measures include ensuring that staff are aware of the risks associated with any products used, wearing appropriate PPE and safe storage of materials.

Key points

Attendees must take note of the following key points:

  • Use the safety data sheet to identify the product that you’re handling.
  • Store and dispose of materials in accordance with the safety data sheet.
  • Wear appropriate PPE such as splash aprons and goggles when handling flammable liquids.
  • Do not cut or weld on drums or containers that once contained gasoline or other flammable liquids.