Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - work equipment - master

Completing regular safety briefings reinforces messages. Using our form will help you to train a group of staff who use work equipment.

One off?

Before you allow staff to use work equipment for the first time, you will provide them with training on the risks associated and the safe systems of work you have put in place. Although it would be nice to leave things there, you shouldn’t. This is because bad habits creep in, procedures get overlooked, etc.

The next step

 One of the most effective ways of ensuring standards don’t drop is to complete regular training sessions with staff. These do not have to be long, or go into great depth, rather they should be short sessions that cover the key points. This is where our Safety Briefing - Work Equipment - Master document is useful.


The first parts of the document provide space for you to identify what equipment the briefing covers. A box is provided for you to insert a photo of the actual machine your briefing relates to. Note. There is considerable value in doing this as it removes the possibility of doubts being raised as to which machine the briefing related to at any point down the line.



In the next part of the document, “Key instructions”, you should cover the main safe systems of work associated with the machine. For example, identify that pre-start safety checks should be completed, guards in place, etc. Next, identify the “Key hazards” and their “Control measures”. This means moving parts, sharp edges, hot surfaces, etc. Finally, the document provides space for multiple signatures. Ensure that all attendees sign to confirm that they have understood the training.