Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - lead

This briefing provides essential information to staff exposed to lead at work.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Lead is to ensure that workers understand the health risks of working with lead and know what to do to reduce the risks.

Reasons for concern

If a person is exposed for long periods of time, they may accumulate high levels of the substance which can cause headaches, tiredness, irritability, constipation, nausea, stomach pains, anaemia and loss of weight. In extreme cases it can cause kidney damage, nerve and brain damage and infertility. The risk is particularly high for pregnant women.

Control measures

The briefing includes a list of measures which workers must take, such as using extraction equipment and following good hygiene practices. It describes the requirements for correct use of respiratory protection including obtaining a face-fit test.

Key points

The key points remind staff of the risks and early signs of over-exposure to look out for, i.e. headaches and stomach problems. Three action points are highlighted:

  • Make proper use of the control measures your employer provides including any fume/ dust extraction.
  • Wear protective clothing and respiratory protection as directed.
  • Maintain very high standards of personal and workplace hygiene.