Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - manual pallet trucks

Whilst pallet trucks help to reduce manual handling risks in the workplace, they introduce other hazards. Use our safety briefing to instruct staff in your safe systems of work.

How to use it

Our Safety Briefing - Manual Pallet Trucks provides a sensible introduction to the subject. You can use it to deliver a short training session when supplemented by a demonstration of the equipment and some hands-on practice.

The briefing has a short introduction followed by a description of the hazards of using a pallet truck. There’s also a risk level indicator, a description of the risks in more detail and a list of control measures you’ll need your staff to adopt.

Note. Before putting the document into use, familiarise yourself with the contents and tailor it to your needs. When making amendments, focus particularly on the blank spaces which have been left for your completion.