Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter to arrange witness statement for employment tribunalWhere a current or former employee has agreed to give evidence on your behalf in your defence of an employment tribunal claim, you should get their witness statement prepared at an early stag... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Staff handbook compliance clauseOur clause places employees under an express contractual obligation to comply with your Staff Handbook.Contractual or non-contractualIt's your choice whether to make your Staff Handbook (or parts of it) contractual or n... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Flexible working acceptance without meeting letterWhere, having reviewed an employee's request for flexible working, you're happy to accept it in full, you can simply confirm this in writing.No need for meetingThe Acas Code of Practice on requests for ... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Temporary redeployment following sickness absence letter Where an employee is to temporarily work in a different role on their return to work following long-term sickness absence, you can use our letter to confirm the arrangements for that temporary ... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Using pedestrian-operated pallet trucksUsing pedestrian-operated pallet trucks may present risks to staff which, left unmanaged, could cause accidents and potentially put you on the wrong side of the law.Managing the risksTo help you identify the haz... Read more
10 Feb 2017
Credits: 1
Visiting customer sites All sites have their particular hazards which you should be aware of before the visit takes place. Make use of our document to ensure the risks are minimised.Managing the risksTo help you identify the hazards associated with ... Read more
17 Feb 2017
Credits: 1
Risk assessment - working from a fixed scaffoldWork carried out from a fixed scaffold can present risks to staff which, left unmanaged, could cause accidents and potentially put you on the wrong side of the law.Managing the risksTo help you identify ... Read more
24 Apr 2017
Credits: 1
Risk assessment - use of a mobile excavatorThere are many hazards associated with the operation of a mobile excavator that can present risks to staff. Left unmanaged, these could cause accidents and potentially put you on the wrong side of the law.Ma... Read more
24 Jan 2017
Credits: 1
Risk assessment - use of a screenerThere are many hazards associated with the operation of a screener that can present risks to staff. Left unmanaged, these could cause accidents and potentially put you on the wrong side of the law.Managing the risks... Read more
17 Mar 2017
Credits: 1
Using electric powered pallet trucksUsing electric powered pallet trucks presents risks to staff which could cause accidents and potentially put you on the wrong side of the law.Managing the risksTo help you identify the hazards associated with using... Read more
01 Apr 2022
Credits: 1