Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Flow Chart
Information and consultation flow chartThis flow chart highlights the various situations where you may be legally obliged to inform and consult with a variety of employee representatives.   Overview of main obligationsHealth and safety: You must co... Read more
02 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Letter inviting consultation in accordance with TUPEThe TUPE legislation requires that you undertake consultation with recognised trade unions or elected employee representatives prior to the TUPE transfer taking place. You must provide them with spe... Read more
24 May 2024
Credits: 1
Political activity policyOur political activity policy establishes a code of conduct regarding employees' political activity in the workplace. It accepts employees have a right to hold political opinions and to engage in political activity outside wor... Read more
08 Mar 2013
Credits: 1
TUPE information and consultation checklist Under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE), where a relevant transfer of an undertaking takes place, those employees who are employed by the transferor employer, ... Read more
24 May 2024
Credits: 1
Process - safe system of work - storage of cleaning chemicalsTo ensure that your staff follow prescribed safe systems of work, you should use a formal safety procedure. This document sets out how cleaning chemicals should be handled and stored safely... Read more
07 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Forklift truck safety procedureIf operated by those not fully trained in their safe use, forklift trucks can cause serious injuries or fatalities. For this reason, you should brief new staff on their safe use. Our procedure can help you do this.Safe ... Read more
07 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
DSE standing desk checklistIf you provide your staff with standing desks you need to make sure that they are set up properly for the individual. Use our document to achieve the correct layout to lower the risk of staff developing musculoskeletal prob... Read more
07 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
07 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Guide to licensable asbestos workIf you discover asbestos-containing materials at your premises, you have a legal obligation to ensure that any works are undertaken by appropriately trained personnel. Use our new guide to help decide whether you can ... Read more
07 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Letter to sick employee confirming disciplinary hearingIf an employee has been signed off on long-term sick leave during the disciplinary process, there will come a point when you need to progress the disciplinary hearing to its conclusion. Use our l... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1