Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Response to special leave requestIf an employee requests time off work for a reason that falls outside statutory or contractual rights, you'll need to consider whether to grant their request, having first checked relevant policies.Time off requestTher... Read more
10 May 2024
Credits: 1
First redundancy consultation letterRedundancy law is much more complex than paying an employee off. There must be a genuine redundancy situation and you must treat the employee fairly in the procedure you use prior to the dismissal decision being ta... Read more
24 May 2024
Credits: 1
Second redundancy consultation letterWhen contemplating making an employee redundant, you will first need to enter into a period of individual consultation, which will involve arranging a series of meetings with the employee to discuss your proposal ... Read more
24 May 2024
Credits: 1
TUPE employee rep role explanation letterWhere you need to commence TUPE consultation with appropriate representatives, it's helpful to start by letting them know what their role is in the process by using our letter. Your duty is to inform and, where... Read more
12 May 2016
Credits: 1
Invitation to nominate as employee representative in TUPE situations Under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE), where a relevant transfer of an undertaking takes place, those employees who are employed by ... Read more
27 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Announcement of TUPE employee reps election result Where you've held an election for employee representatives in a TUPE transfer situation, once the election process has been completed, affected employees will need to be advised of the outcome.Informa... Read more
06 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Letter inviting consultation in accordance with TUPEThe TUPE legislation requires that you undertake consultation with recognised trade unions or elected employee representatives prior to the TUPE transfer taking place. You must provide them with spe... Read more
24 May 2024
Credits: 1
Letter to sick employee confirming disciplinary hearingIf an employee has been signed off on long-term sick leave during the disciplinary process, there will come a point when you need to progress the disciplinary hearing to its conclusion. Use our l... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Letter of dismissal on long-term incapacity groundsUse our letter when dismissing an employee due to long-term sickness absence. You must first have followed a fair dismissal procedure, including obtaining medical evidence and consulting with the emp... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Meeting request following a period of long-term incapacityOnce you've obtained a medical report, the next stage is to arrange a meeting with your absent employee to discuss its contents and any recommendations that it makes. In particular, you should ... Read more
14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1