Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Flexible working rejection letterIf you wish to reject an employee's flexible working request, you must provide one or more genuine business reasons for the refusal and you should set out any additional information which is reasonable to help exp... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Flexible working request - invitation to meetingUse our letter to arrange a meeting with your employee to discuss their formal request for flexible working. However, there's no need to arrange a meeting if you're happy to agree to the employee's reques... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Ineligible for flexible working letterAn employee is ineligible to request flexible working if they've already made two statutory flexible working requests in the previous twelve months or they have a live request which is still in progress. Our lette... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter confirming flexible working request withdrawnUse this letter when an employee has withdrawn their statutory flexible working request. It also enables you to notify an employee that their flexible working request is being treated as withdr... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter confirming trial flexible working arrangementAt the end of a flexible working trial period, you will either wish to confirm or revoke it, according to whether it's been successful or not. Use our letter confirming trial flexible working arrange... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter reminding employee of flexible working arrangement termsSome employees think that a flexible working arrangement is precisely that: the right to come and go exactly as they please! If they're not keeping to its terms, you need to set them strai... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter rescheduling flexible working request meetingIf you need to postpone an arranged meeting to discuss an employee's flexible working request, or if you're consenting to an employee's request to postpone it, you can use our letter.Statutory requirem... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter revoking trial flexible working arrangementAt the end of a flexible working trial period, you will either wish to confirm or revoke it, according to whether it's been successful or not. Use our letter revoking trial flexible working arrangem... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Maternity part-time work request - meeting invitationIt's relatively common for employees on maternity leave to informally request to return to work on a part-time basis. If they do so, our letter enables you to arrange a meeting with them to discuss ... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Letter to employee on maternity leave Once an employee on maternity leave has given birth, it's a good idea to write and congratulate them. You can also use this as a useful opportunity to remind them of the expected return date and to raise the issue... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1