Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Internal secondment letterIf you agree that an employee can temporarily work elsewhere in your business, use our letter to confirm the terms of their internal secondment.External or internal secondment?If you reach an agreement with an external third... Read more
05 Jan 2024
Credits: 1
Medical examination request to independent doctorIt's possible to fairly dismiss an employee on the ground of lack of capability due to ill health but first you must take all reasonable steps to find out the current medical position. This involves obt... Read more
05 Jan 2024
Credits: 1
Appointing a principal contractor letterIf you're a construction client for a project which will involve two or more contractors, you must appoint one of them to take overall control. Use our template letter to do this.Legal reasonsThe requirement to ... Read more
02 Nov 2016
Credits: 1
Appointing a principal designer letterIf your construction project is likely to involve two or more contractors, you must appoint a principal designer (PD). Our template letter provides a suggested format for this formal appointment. Legal reasonsThe... Read more
28 Nov 2016
Credits: 1
Action report letterIf an inspector sends you a letter with a list of health and safety breaches, you must respond to them. Failing to do so is likely to result in enforcement action being taken. To ensure that you provide sufficient information, use... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Contractor advisory letterUse this letter to inform contractors of health and safety matters that could impact safety. It should be used in conjunction with your contractor management tools.Why use this letter?Our Contractor Advisory Letter has been ... Read more
03 Feb 2023
Credits: 1
Agency health and safety letterIf you're hiring temporary workers via employment agencies, you need to do what you can to ensure the health and safety of the hired worker.Using our letterWe recommend that before you enter into an agreement with an age... Read more
01 Jul 2010
Credits: 1
Letter to employee - health questionnaireIf you have concerns over an employee's fitness to work, you may want them to complete a health questionnaire. If so, issue a covering letter to explain exactly what's happening and why.Letter to employeeThere m... Read more
20 Jul 2009
Credits: 1
Letters to GPDealing with an absent employee's GP over long-term sickness absence can be frustrating due to the lack of information provided. You can combat this by using a letter to obtain the necessary details.Dealing with GPsAt some point you're lik... Read more
14 Dec 2009
Credits: 1
Acknowledgement of salary sacrificeYou can use our letter to accept an employee's written agreement to a reduction in their salary in return for a non-cash benefit in kind.What is a salary sacrificeA salary sacrifice arrangement is where an employee a... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1