Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter following poor performance appeal meetingAfter the poor performance appeal meeting, you will need to formally notify the employee in writing of the outcome. The decision on an appeal is normally final unless your capability procedure specifica... Read more
09 Nov 2018
Credits: 1
Letter enclosing workplace companion confidentiality agreement Where you require a workplace companion to a disciplinary or grievance hearing to sign a confidentiality agreement, use our covering letter to issue that document to them.Statutory rightA... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter inviting employee to mediationIf you want to try to resolve a workplace dispute through mediation, provisionally appoint a mediator and then use our letter inviting employee to mediation to set the process in motion.  However, be aware that m... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter following disciplinary appeal hearingAfter the disciplinary appeal hearing, you need to formally notify the employee in writing of the outcome. The decision on an appeal is normally final unless your disciplinary procedure specifically contain... Read more
09 Nov 2018
Credits: 1
Suspension letterIn cases of gross or very serious misconduct where there are no alternatives, you should give careful consideration to suspending the employee for a brief period during your disciplinary investigation and pending a formal discipl... Read more
03 Feb 2023
Credits: 1
Warning/final warning of poor performanceFollowing a review meeting, if you want to formally warn the employee about their performance, you will need to issue a performance warning. This should give the employee a reasonable period of time in which to... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Written warning and final written warningFollowing a disciplinary hearing, if you want to formally warn the employee you will need to issue either a written warning or a final written warning. These are important documents so you should ensure you dr... Read more
07 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Request to witness to attend disciplinary hearingIn some cases, it might be reasonable to invite a witness to attend a disciplinary hearing to give their evidence and answer questions in person. You can use our letter to do this.Acas Code of Practice... Read more
05 Mar 2021
Credits: 1
Confirmation of performance improvement measuresUse our letter where, following a performance review meeting, you've agreed to put in place measures to assist the employee to improve their poor performance, rather than issuing them with a formal warni... Read more
12 Oct 2021
Credits: 1
Future litigation assistance letterWhere an employee is leaving your employment and you were relying on them to give witness evidence at a hearing relating to an employment tribunal claim brought by another employee, you can use our letter to ask for... Read more
11 Mar 2022
Credits: 1