Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter confirming reasonable adjustmentsWhere you've agreed to implement reasonable adjustments for an employee's disability or health condition, it's advisable to confirm the details of those agreed adjustments in writing.Reasonable adjustmentsReasonab... Read more
10 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Letter advising of NMW rate increase (due to age)The national minimum wage (NMW) is paid according to an employee's age. So a birthday can mean that they're entitled to a present from you in the shape of a pay rise! You should always write to them abou... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Settlement agreement meeting proposal letterWhere you wish to propose a settlement agreement to an employee to terminate their employment on agreed terms, ideally start this with a meeting, but don't spring this on the employee. Our letter arranges an... Read more
08 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Job offer cover letterIf you want to make a job offer in writing but intend to attach the written statement of employment particulars or employment contract to that offer, you can use our letter.Statutory requirementsThe Employment Rights Act 1996 st... Read more
08 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Letter confirming entitlement to SPLFollowing receipt of a notice of entitlement to shared parental leave, it's worth writing to the employee to confirm their entitlement and to outline the legal position if they wish to vary how much leave they inten... Read more
08 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Letter offering options for performance review meetingWhere an employee is absent on long-term sick leave during a performance management process, there will come a time where you need to progress that process to its conclusion.Fair procedureWhere an... Read more
08 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Reminder to take holidayTo be able to rely on statutory provisions enabling accrued but untaken annual leave to be lost if it's not taken in the current holiday year, you must have given your workers a reasonable opportunity to take that annual le... Read more
27 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Reply to request to carry over holidayOur letter exceptionally approves the carrying over of some of the employee's unused annual leave entitlement from one holiday year to the next. Holidays policy provisionsOur Holidays Policy is clear that employ... Read more
08 Jul 2019
Credits: 1
Return from maternity leave letterAll pregnant employees have the right to take up to 26 weeks' ordinary maternity leave and up to a further 26 weeks' additional maternity leave and to resume work afterwards. An employee who decides to return at the en... Read more
27 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Letter to doctor requesting medical reportIt's possible to fairly dismiss an employee on the ground of lack of capability due to long-term ill-health but first you must take all reasonable steps to find out the current medical position. This will invo... Read more
05 Jan 2024
Credits: 1