Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Withdrawal of resignation acceptanceThere are a few reasons why an employee might want to withdraw their resignation and the law says you don't normally have to accept that withdrawal. However, if you do, use our letter. It covers three situations. Im... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Letter retracting heat of the moment dismissalUse our letter to clarify the position with an employee who has been unintentionally dismissed in anger in the heat of the moment. You do need to act quickly though if you want to salvage the situation.... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Response to "heat of the moment" resignationResignations given in anger by employees in the "heat of the moment" are sometimes capable of being retracted, so it's not safe to simply treat them as valid. Likewise, where an employee resigns in writing but r... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Withdrawal of resignation rejectionUnless an employee's resignation was given in the heat of the moment and wasn't really intended or conscious and rational at the time it was given, you aren't obliged to accept any subsequent request from them to withd... Read more
05 Jul 2021
Credits: 1
Alternative disciplinary sanctions letterIt's possible to impose a disciplinary sanction other than dismissal on an employee provided you've the contractual right to do so and the sanction is only temporary.Usual disciplinary sanctionsThe Acas Code of ... Read more
12 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Disciplinary demotion letterInstead of dismissing an employee for misconduct or gross misconduct, it is permissible to demote them as a disciplinary sanction provided this is on a temporary basis and you have the contractual right to do so. Our disci... Read more
12 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Letter for entitled workersIf you have any new entitled workers, you must write to them letting them know they have a right to join a pension scheme, but be aware this can be a different scheme to your qualifying workplace pension scheme.Entitled wor... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Eligible jobholders' automatic enrolment letterThe Pensions Acts 2008 and 2011 require every employer to automatically enrol their workers into a qualifying workplace pension scheme, if they are not already in one, and to mandatorily contribute to tha... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Letter for non-eligible jobholdersSome of your workers may be non-eligible jobholders either because of their age or their low level of earnings. They don't have to be automatically enrolled into a qualifying workplace pension scheme but they do have ... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Letter for workers already in a qualifying pension schemeWhere you already have a qualifying workplace pension scheme in place for your workers and they are active members of that scheme, other than writing to them using our letter, there is no actio... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1