Documents related to 'Safety briefing - ISO 45001'

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Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - ISO 14001This briefing provides a short introduction to ISO 14001. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - ISO 14001 is to provide some background to the international environmental standard. Employee awareness is essential ... Read more
14 Mar 2016
Credits: 1
Safety briefing - H&S policyWhilst your health and safety policy isn't the kind of document you would expect staff to be leafing through regularly, it's important that they understand the basics, including their own responsibilities. Use our briefing t... Read more
03 Apr 2017
Credits: 1
Register of health and safety legislation - managementUse our register to list the health and safety legislation which applies to your business. This will help to show how it affects you and whether you have it covered. Why do you need it?Organisatio... Read more
28 Jan 2013
Credits: 1
Procurement - annual reviewIf you regularly use a contractor it's worthwhile checking their insurance cover, accreditations, etc. Our document can be used to review their arrangements. Formal checksAlthough it's usual to complete checks before a contra... Read more
06 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Health and safety induction checklistWhen you recruit a new employee, a thorough health and safety induction is a must. Our checklist will give you a helping hand.Why use itOur Health and Safety Induction Checklist is designed for completion by the n... Read more
06 Jan 2023
Credits: 1
Manager's health and safety induction checklistMost organisations have an established process for inducting their new starters. But what health and safety information must be covered if the new employee is taking up a management role? Keeping controlM... Read more
01 Oct 2015
Credits: 1
Procurement - Outsourcing (Non-construction)If outsourcing a project to other contractors, use our document to ensure health and safety standards are maintained.Industry standardĀ If you engage subcontractors to complete projects on your behalf, it's ... Read more
08 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Register of health and safety legislation - substancesFor some businesses, it's a necessity to have a formal record of legislation which applies to its activities, e.g. if you're going for ISO 45001 certification. Our register will help.Putting togethe... Read more
29 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Procurement - small works & maintenanceIf you're seeking to employ a contractor to carry out basic maintenance works, use our form to check that they have appropriate arrangements in place to manage safety risks. Reducing the risksWhen you bring other... Read more
30 Oct 2019
Credits: 1
Register of health and safety legislation - accidents and emergenciesOur register templates are designed to help you to pull together a list of legislation relevant to your business. This one covers the topic of accidents and emergencies.How should y... Read more
01 Jun 2015
Credits: 1