Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Daily excavations formGuidance issued by the HSE suggests that excavations should be inspected each shift before work starts and the results recorded. You can use our template to record your findings. Site details You should use the first part of the... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Contractor briefingWhen contractors' employees or subcontractors arrive on site you need to exchange information about any risks created by the work and explain the fire procedures etc. Use our briefing to provide a prompt of what's needed.What's  cove... Read more
30 Aug 2012
Credits: 1
Method statement evaluationUse our method statement evaluation to check that what you receive from a contractor is OK to use and that the key points are covered.Why do you need it?Clients have a responsibility for the safety of a contractor's work. So... Read more
26 Feb 2013
Credits: 1
Method statement - masterOur method statement document makes it easier than ever to define how to complete a construction-related task. InstructionsAs there are considerable risks associated with many construction-related tasks, you cannot leave thin... Read more
01 Jun 2018
Credits: 1
Notice - site rules for contractorsIf you're employing contractors, you must make them aware of your site safety rules. You can do this by displaying our easy to understand notice.Manage the risksIf contractors are engaged to complete a project on you... Read more
01 Jul 2016
Credits: 1
H&S induction - site-based staffWhen you employ new staff, it's vital to make them aware of your health and safety arrangements. If they work on a construction site, use our document to identify what to cover and as a detailed record sheet. Get the me... Read more
13 Nov 2015
Credits: 1
Matters of evident concern checklistThe HSE has employed the services of some 4,000 building inspectors to pick up on safety issues during visits to construction sites. To ensure you don't fall foul of them, use our checklist.InspectionsIn a bid to ca... Read more
17 Dec 2010
Credits: 1
Permit to work - CDMIf you're having construction works completed on your premises, make it clear who is in control of the site with our document.Over to youThe Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 state that those managing construction... Read more
11 Feb 2020
Credits: 1
Procurement - labour onlyIf you need to engage labour only contractors, use our document to ensure health and safety standards are agreed from the outset.AssessmentTo make sure that the individual you're looking to use has the required skills, knowled... Read more
28 Nov 2019
Credits: 1
Principal contractor assessment checklistIf more than one contractor is involved in your construction project, the client must appoint a principal contractor. But how do you ensure that your appointee is competent for the role? Use our principal cont... Read more
28 Feb 2017
Credits: 1