Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Guidance note - contaminated land emergency control procedureIf you identify, or even suspect, that land may be contaminated, both you and your staff need to know what actions to take. The best way of achieving this is to have a formal policy in plac... Read more
22 Jan 2009
Credits: 1
Register of environmental legislation - wasteHaving a professional-looking Register of Environmental Legislation is a good way of showing that you know what your doing. If you're a contracting organisation, it can help you to pass contractor vetting p... Read more
08 Oct 2019
Credits: 1
Procedures for reducing unnecessary journeysDo you really need to make that journey? Often the answer is "no", but we don't think about it until it's too late. To help avoid time wasting and potentially expensive and environmentally damaging journeys, yo... Read more
26 Jan 2009
Credits: 1
Waste reduction checklistAlthough the benefits associated with reducing waste are obvious, many businesses are still failing to take steps to control it. Use our checklist to help you to make savings across the board.Missing outRecent research has in... Read more
04 Apr 2023
Credits: 1
Guidance note - alternative fuelsHow much? A question we all ask ourselves each time we fill a vehicle with fuel. But are there any alternatives that will save both money and cut the amount of carbon the vehicle creates? There are, but you should mak... Read more
25 Aug 2017
Credits: 1
Waste minimisation and recycling policyThe only way of minimising waste effectively is if all your employees follow a formal waste minimisation and recycling policy. Adapt our document to suit your business and add it to your existing policies and pr... Read more
06 Mar 2009
Credits: 1
Waste hierarchy policySince the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 came into force, it's become a legal requirement to follow a waste hierarchy. To ensure that this happens in your business, you should adopt a formal policy.What's covered?The f... Read more
25 Nov 2011
Credits: 1
Waste auditIt's a good idea to use a formal checklist to ensure that you're continually monitoring the amount and type of waste produced and look for ways to reduce and dispose of it responsibly. Our audit document standardises the process.When and how... Read more
07 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
Food wastage recordIf you run a kitchen or sell food in a retail setting, you'll want to keep waste to a minimum. Doing so is good for the environment as well as for business. Use our form to monitor and reduce your food wastage.Green targetsOur Food ... Read more
24 Jun 2019
Credits: 1
Flow Chart
Flow chart - waste contractor selectionWhen appointing waste contractors, you must ensure that they are competent and can meet the needs of your business. Use our flow chart to ensure that your process is compliant.Why is this important?As the waste ... Read more
01 Apr 2022
Credits: 1