Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Fire management - control measuresAs you work through your fire risk assessment identifying fire hazards, you also need to decide what action to take to control them. Our control measures document will prompt you. Risk reduction In our fire risk asse... Read more
30 May 2014
Credits: 1
Fire precautions - fire fighting equipmentWhen undertaking a fire risk assessment one aspect you must consider is the provision of fire fighting equipment. Our risk assessment sheet will guide you through the process.what's included?On the first page ... Read more
30 Apr 2012
Credits: 1
Fire risk assessment - small premisesIf you have a small and straightforward premises, it should be relatively easy to write your own fire risk assessment. Our fire risk assessment - small premises will help.DIY fire risk assessmentWriting a fire ris... Read more
27 May 2011
Credits: 1
Fire risk assessment - scale drawingUse our scale drawing document to create a plan of your building showing the location of fire hazards, fire fighting equipment, escape routes etc. why you need onePutting together a fire plan of your premises fulfi... Read more
02 Jul 2014
Credits: 1
Corrective action reportWhen you've assessed the risk of fire on your premises, the next stage is to put together an improvement plan. Our corrective action report will help you to cover all that's required.Where does this form fit in?Our fire risk ass... Read more
30 Mar 2015
Credits: 1
Letter confirming temporary work alterationsOur letter confirming temporary work alterations assists you where, as a result of the recommendations in the statement of fitness for work, you've agreed a return-to-work plan with your absent employee. Do... Read more
10 Sep 2021
Credits: 1
Time off to look for work on redundancy letterAn employee who has been given notice of redundancy and who has two years' continuous employment is entitled to reasonable time off work during their notice period to look for a new job or arrange training... Read more
08 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Rejection of candidate after interview letterAfter the recruitment process has concluded, reject the unsuccessful interviewees and then destroy their personal information after a reasonable period of time, e.g. six months, and in accordance with the ... Read more
31 May 2018
Credits: 1
 Invitation to attend return-to-work interviewIt's a proven fact that any employee who is required to attend a return-to-work interview following a period of sickness absence will think twice about taking any time off in the first place. Invite an em... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
 Letter declining fit note recommendations Employers are not obliged to accept the advice set out in a statement of fitness for work (fit note). Before taking any decision, however, you must discuss it with the employee. If you decide to reject it, ... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1