Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Adoption appointment eligibility declarationProspective adopters have the right to take either paid or unpaid time off work to attend adoption appointments in advance of adopting a child. Our form enables employees to declare their eligibility for ti... Read more
23 Dec 2014
Credits: 1
Approval of parental leave requestUnless you postpone parental leave in accordance with the statutory provisions, you must accept an employee's parental leave request. Request grantedOnce you receive a parental leave request, assuming it's been made co... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Register of environmental legislation - air pollutionA register of legislation is a requirement if you're seeking certification to ISO14001, but others will find it of value too. Use our document on air pollution as part of your set.ListedOur Register... Read more
08 Nov 2021
Credits: 1
Environmental quick checkWhen you think of environmental audits, you might envisage a lengthy and detailed process, but if a quick check is more what you have in mind, use our form.Review your standardsOur Environmental Quick Check simply lists topic... Read more
21 Aug 2019
Credits: 1
ISO 14001 environmental policy statementIf you want to implement a new environmental policy, or freshen up what you have, use our master document.DemandsIt's becoming increasingly common for businesses to be asked to provide an environmental policy. I... Read more
30 Nov 2015
Credits: 1
 Construction - environmental management checklistEnvironmental issues on construction sites should be managed properly, regardless of the size of the contract. Doing so can help to reduce waste and, in turn, your overheads. Use our checklist to hel... Read more
11 Oct 2015
Credits: 1
Permit compliance checklistSelf-auditing is an important part of environmental compliance. Use our checklist to identify any shortcomings in arrangements. Complete an action plan that details how you will address any issues. Watchful eyeWhen the Envi... Read more
03 May 2017
Credits: 1
Further Information
Guide to the hierarchy of air emission controlsMany pieces of environmental legislation include a requirement to reduce the impact that air emissions have on the atmosphere. Use our guide to check that you're tackling the problem in a logical order.Su... Read more
01 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Flow Chart
Process flow chart - preparing for an EMSDeveloping your environmental management system (EMS) is difficult to get right and you may be concerned that something has been overlooked. Use our flow chart to identify topics that fall under the Plan-Do-Ch... Read more
02 Jun 2023
Credits: 1
Environmental management organisational structureYour environmental policy should clearly allocate responsibilities. It's best practice to summarise these in an organisational structure. Our example should help you to achieve this. Structured approach... Read more
03 May 2011
Credits: 1