Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Job description and person specificationA job description sets out the main details of the job, including job title, job duties and responsibilities. A person specification describes the level of qualification, knowledge, skills and competencies requ... Read more
10 Jun 2022
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Non-sponsoring employer statementYou'll usually need a sponsor licence to employ someone to work for you from outside the UK. If you don't want to obtain one, we've produced statement wording that you can include in your recruitment material but be awar... Read more
12 Dec 2022
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Invitation to nominate as employee representative in redundancy situationsThe law imposes far-reaching obligations on employers to notify and consult with appropriate representatives about proposed collective redundancies. Where there is no recognise... Read more
22 Dec 2015
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Letter to wider workforce about redundancy situationIt's good practice to inform the wider workforce about a redundancy situation as it can stop rumours and ease unrest. They don't need to know all the details about your redundancy programme but do let... Read more
08 Jun 2018
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Letter withdrawing redundancy notice due to change of circumstancesYou have a duty to continue to seek work for an employee served with notice of redundancy right up until the date their employment terminates. Sometimes, there might be a change in yo... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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Objection to early departure on redundancyOur notice of objection enables you to challenge an employee's right to a statutory redundancy payment where they propose to leave your employment prematurely on redundancy before their notice period has expir... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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Letter confirming no compulsory redundancies necessaryWhere you've accepted volunteers for redundancy, you might find yourself in a position where you no longer need to make any compulsory redundancies as a result. Use our letter to let other affected... Read more
09 May 2013
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Notification of redundancy appeal meetingAn employee has no statutory right to appeal against a redundancy dismissal. However, it's preferable still to give the employee an opportunity to appeal as part of an overall fair dismissal procedure. Use our ... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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Notification of long-term incapacity meetingWhen you reach the point that you're considering dismissing an employee on the grounds of long-term incapacity, you will need to set up a formal meeting to consult about your proposals before taking your fin... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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Reply to request to convert holiday to sickness absenceUse our response letter where an employee requests to convert holiday to sickness absence after falling ill on annual leave. Our letter approves the request if they've followed your sickness absen... Read more
10 Oct 2017
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