Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Request to carry over holiday formIf, at your discretion, you occasionally allow employees to carry over their unused annual leave entitlement from one holiday year to the next, you can ask them to first complete our request to carry over holiday for... Read more
13 May 2020
Credits: 1
Reply to request to carry over holidayOur letter exceptionally approves the carrying over of some of the employee's unused annual leave entitlement from one holiday year to the next. Holidays policy provisionsOur Holidays Policy is clear that employ... Read more
08 Jul 2019
Credits: 1
Return from maternity leave letterAll pregnant employees have the right to take up to 26 weeks' ordinary maternity leave and up to a further 26 weeks' additional maternity leave and to resume work afterwards. An employee who decides to return at the en... Read more
27 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Quick guide to RIDDOR 2013If there's an accident or a case of work-related illness in your business, you'll need to promptly check if it's reportable to the HSE. Use our quick reference guide to do this.Report itThe types of incident which are reportabl... Read more
23 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
Potential claim reportThe advent of "referral fees" and "no-win, no-fee" solicitors has fuelled the compensation culture in which we now find ourselves. However, if you provide your insurer with sufficient information about a potential claim, it may help... Read more
03 Jan 2012
Credits: 1
Accident claim - management checklistSince the introduction of "no win, no fee" legislation, many employers have experienced an increase in claims against them. To play it safe, use our checklist to ensure that you have the right information to hand.Ma... Read more
03 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
First aid room checklistIf you have a first aid room, use our checklist to help you ensure that it's correctly stocked. That way, you can avoid wasting money on equipment that you don't need.First aid room checklistFirst aid rooms should be provided wh... Read more
07 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
Rules for first aiders/appointed personsAs with any aspect of the employment relationship, it's important that you make it clear to those with first aid duties, just what you expect of them. With this in mind, issue some simple rules so they know what ... Read more
23 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
Asbestos priority assessment algorithmIf you have asbestos-containing materials in your premises you must assess the risk posed by the material. Use our algorithm to do this. Asbestos risk assessmentThe first step in the management of asbestos-contai... Read more
06 May 2016
Credits: 1
Asbestos material assessment algorithmIf you have asbestos-containing materials in your premises, your surveyor's report should include an assessment of its condition. Our document replicates the form surveyors use, allowing you carry out your own rea... Read more
30 Mar 2016
Credits: 1