Introduction to this document

Contractor appraisal questionnaire

Businesses are under a legal obligation to check the competence of their contractors, and the simplest way of doing this is to use a questionnaire. To make it less of a burden on both sides, our contractor appraisal questionnaire has been designed to ask for the minimum amount of information.

Using the form

This questionnaire should be used to assess contractors with five or more employees. Smaller organisations are not legally required to have all of the documentation the form asks for.


You should then evaluate the information submitted to decide whether the contractor appears to be suitably experienced, adequately insured and has the necessary health and safety arrangements in place. Provided you take reasonable care in doing so, you will have done enough to satisfy your legal obligations for contractor selection.


Once contractors have passed the assessment you can put their details on your “approved list”. Remember to check that they’ve sent in their updated insurance certificates when they lapse. You can either do this on a rolling programme of checks or simply obtain the updated documents just before you use their services.