Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Machinery guarding policy No matter how good your procedures are, it's easy to overlook machinery guarding. However, you can reduce the risks by implementing a policy setting out your expectations. Machinery guarding policyNo matter how robust your m... Read more
10 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Lifting operations policyIf you make use of cranes whether mobile, tower, overhead, lorry-mounted etc., or use other plant for lifting, such as excavators, you should have clear safety arrangements for their use. Why do you need it?Companies increasi... Read more
01 Nov 2013
Credits: 1
Weil's disease policyIf your staff are at risk of Weil's disease (otherwise known as Leptospirosis), it's essential that you take some simple precautions to protect them from infection. Set out your arrangements in a Weil's disease policy.What is Weil's d... Read more
21 Dec 2012
Credits: 1
Young workers policyOur policy will help you to set out your arrangements for protecting employees under 18 and work experience students. What's covered?A general statement sets out your commitment to protecting these more vulnerable staff and explain... Read more
04 Jun 2013
Credits: 1
Annual screening questionnaire - vibrationUse our questionnaire to check whether your employees are at risk from hand-arm vibration syndrome on an on-going basis.When should you use it?To comply with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005,... Read more
01 Jun 2022
Credits: 1
Asthma management checklistAsthma due to workplace exposure is now the most frequently reported disease. As a sufferer may never work again, you should assess the potential risks. Our checklist can help you do this.Managing asthmaOne health hotspot t... Read more
28 Apr 2009
Credits: 1
Display screen equipment (DSE) eye test formWhilst you don't need to openly advertise the fact that you're obliged to pay for an eye test, if requested to do so, it's best to be prepared. So why not use our DSE eye test form to give to an optician?DSE e... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Exposure to blood and bodily fluids report formIf staff are at risk of contact with blood or bodily fluids, then you'll need to be ready to respond. Our form will help you to record the details of what happened, to whom and the follow-up actions taken... Read more
25 Nov 2011
Credits: 1
Needlestick injury procedureNeedlestick or sharps injuries are those caused by sharp medical instruments such as needles, scalpels and syringes. If your staff are at risk of such injuries, use our procedure.Who should use it?This Needlestick Injury P... Read more
03 May 2017
Credits: 1
Occupational health - fit for work reportIf an employee makes you aware of a medical condition, you need to ensure that their job doesn't aggravate it. You can manage the process with our document. Legal positionThe Health and Safety at Work etc. Act ... Read more
01 Apr 2014
Credits: 1