Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Information and consultation checklist - occupational and personal pension schemesUse this checklist if you have 50+ employees before certain changes are made to their occupational pensions or personal pension schemes which you contribute to.  Legal... Read more
14 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Expenses claim formTo claim back expenses incurred whilst working on your lawful business, insist that employees provide full details of the expenditure on our expenses claim form, including the date that the expenditure was incurred, the amount and ... Read more
26 Nov 2021
Credits: 1
Fair piece rate noticeUse our notice where you've opted to pay output workers a fair piece rate for each item produced, rather than paying them at least the national minimum wage (NMW) for every hour worked.Output workYou can pay output workers a fair... Read more
08 Sep 2015
Credits: 1
Itemised pay statementUse our statement at or before you pay wages or salary to a worker to set out the breakdown of the amount paid and any deductions.Statutory provisionsThe Employment Rights Act 1996 requires that you issue every worker with a wri... Read more
11 Jun 2019
Credits: 1
Death benefit expression of wishes formWhere you provide a life assurance scheme, you should ask employees to complete a death benefit expression of wishes form to enable them to set out their wishes in relation to the lump sum death in service benef... Read more
07 Dec 2012
Credits: 1
Auto-enrolment postponement letterYou can postpone auto-enrolling employees in your workplace pension for up three months. This might mean that you never have to include temporary workers. Postponement can also be used in other situations, such as fo... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Confirmation of juror's loss of earnings This letter may be used as an alternative to the standard form provided by HM Courts & Tribunals Service. When to use the letterThere is no obligation to pay an employee who is absent for jury service, but if ... Read more
19 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Anti-bribery policyYour business can be guilty of a criminal offence under the Bribery Act 2010 where it has failed to prevent bribery by a person associated with it. However, you have a defence if you can show you had adequate procedures in place wh... Read more
07 Feb 2020
Credits: 1
Collections, sponsorship and selling of goods policyUse our policy to ensure consistency of approach across your organisation when it comes to employee-organised collections to mark events such as birthdays, weddings and retirements. It also covers c... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Offer of re-employment to redundant ex-employeeIf you were forced to make redundancies during an economic downturn, but now business has improved and you need to re-hire, use our letter to offer a redundant employee either their job back or a similar... Read more
02 Jan 2021
Credits: 1