Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Guidance note - types of environmental management systemIf you're considering formalising the way you manage environmental issues by implementing one of the many formal management systems, which one should you go for? It's a choice that should not be m... Read more
09 Apr 2009
Credits: 1
Flood planHaving a plan in place which details how you will respond in the event of a flood could save your business. Use our document to establish an effective response to forecast flooding. Keeping your head above waterOur Flood Plan has been desig... Read more
05 Jan 2018
Credits: 1
Pesticide log bookIf you use pesticides, it's good practice to keep detailed records for future reference. Use our log book to note down what's been applied, when and where.Why keep records?At present, only those applying pesticides to crops are legall... Read more
30 Sep 2014
Credits: 1
Noise log - to be completed by complainantIf you have a neighbour whose noisy activities are really disrupting your business, what type of information should you gather in order to raise a formal complaint? Our record form will help.Getting the ball ... Read more
03 Nov 2017
Credits: 1
Sprinkler checklistSprinklers can be a very effective means of reducing the damage caused by fire but keeping them maintained is essential and often a condition of your insurance policy.Why you need the checklistThe questions on our Sprinkler Checkli... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Visitor record bookKeeping track of visitors and making them aware of your fire procedures is a must. You can achieve both using a visitor record book.Sign in here pleaseWe appreciate that asking visitors to sign in when they arrive at your premises ... Read more
18 Nov 2014
Credits: 1
Visitor identification cardIf you have visitors on your site then you'll need to ensure they're accounted for and evacuated in the event of a fire. To do this you should have a formal system in place, which all of your staff are aware of and follow at ... Read more
10 Jul 2009
Credits: 1
Witness confidentiality agreement and undertakingWhen you conduct disciplinary proceedings, or an investigation, you'll probably require the assistance of other employees. But you don't want them shooting their mouth off about what's going on or discuss... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
 Disciplinary proceedings checklist The Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures says that your disciplinary proceedings must be both fair and reasonable. Any failure to act in this way could result in a finding of unfair dismi... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
 Letter warning actions will be viewed as potential gross misconduct The penalty for proven gross misconduct is normally summary dismissal. This means that employment can be terminated without notice or pay. Certain actions, such as workplace violen... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1