Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter confirming employee not redundantDuring a redundancy programme, you'll have notified some employees that their roles are at risk. However, where that situation changes and an employee is no longer at risk, you'll need to let them know.Requiremen... Read more
05 Jul 2021
Credits: 1
Response to unsolicited CVOur response to unsolicited CV letter contains a number of alternative options for dealing with unsolicited CVs sent in by individuals or recruitment agencies. Make sure you set out the correct position for rejection and don... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
Acceptance of volunteer for redundancy letterEmployees who volunteer and are accepted for redundancy are still regarded in law as having been dismissed, i.e. they have not resigned. This means you must still continue to follow a fair redundancy proce... Read more
15 Jun 2022
Credits: 1
Verification of qualifications consent formIf you intend to check qualifications listed on an applicant's CV or application form, use our consent form to secure the release of documents or information from a third party. It's a data protection requirem... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
Notice of potential dismissal at end of apprenticeshipIt's potentially fair to dismiss an apprentice at the end of their apprenticeship, but you need to go about it properly if you want to ensure a fair dismissal. You can start the process using our l... Read more
12 Dec 2022
Credits: 1
Reply to resignation during lay-off or short time workingTo claim a statutory redundancy payment (SRP) during lay-off or short time working, an employee must have two years' continuous employment, have been laid off or on short time working for at lea... Read more
08 May 2017
Credits: 1
Letter to employee on retirementWhen an employee is about to retire, it's good practice to formally convey your best wishes for their retirement and at the same time you can deal with any outstanding matters.A fast-approaching retirement dateWhen an e... Read more
12 Apr 2021
Credits: 1
Letter seeking recovery of training costsWhere an employee is leaving your employment having signed a valid training costs agreement, use our letter to advise them what external training costs they're now required to repay.Agreement on training costsO... Read more
05 Jul 2021
Credits: 1
Redeployment offer after SOSR or statutory bar meetingWhere you're considering dismissing an employee for some other substantial reason or due to a statutory bar, in some cases you should first explore whether you can offer them alternative employment... Read more
08 Apr 2022
Credits: 1
Notification of potential dismissal meetingThe law on termination of employment can differ according to how long the employee has worked for you. For employees with short service, termination can be relatively straightforward. Short-serving employees... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1