Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Reporting procedureIt's worth including a short reporting procedure in employment contracts in order to put positive reporting duties on employees. Clause benefitsIf you place an employee under a contractual duty to regularly report what they're doing ... Read more
11 Feb 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR privacy notice for staffThe UK GDPR sets out a list of detailed information that must be included in a privacy notice. Our privacy notice complies with this.Privacy notice requirementsA compliant privacy notice for the processing of personal dat... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
GDPR privacy notice for job applicantsThe UK GDPR sets out a list of detailed information that must be included in a privacy notice. Our privacy notice complies with these requirements.Privacy notice requirementsA compliant privacy notice for the pro... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
GDPR rectification of data request formThe UK GDPR provides the right for individuals to make a request to you for the rectification of their personal data, which they can do if they wish by completing our form.The statutory rightThe UK GDPR provides... Read more
16 Mar 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR restriction of processing request formOne of the data subject rights in the UK GDPR is to obtain restriction of processing of their personal data. Our form provides a straightforward way for them to make a request for this.The statutory rightUnd... Read more
14 Sep 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR letter notifying personal data breachAs well as notifying the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), certain personal data breaches must also be notified to affected data subjects. Your notification to them must, as a minimum, describe the natu... Read more
13 Sep 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR restriction of processing response letterIndividuals have a right in certain circumstances to prevent the processing of their personal data. If processing is restricted, you can store the data, but you have limited rights to process it. Use our ... Read more
02 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR rectification of data response letterOnce you've dealt with an individual's request, made under the UK GDPR, for rectification of their personal data, you can use our letter to set out your response to them.Rectification of personal dataThe UK GDP... Read more
10 May 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR register of data subject access requestsThe UK GDPR requires you to demonstrate that you're complying with the data protection principles. Maintaining a GDPR register of data subject access requests can help you show that you're observing subject ... Read more
08 Jun 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR personal data breaches registerThe UK GDPR requires you to document all personal data breaches, whether they're notifiable to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) or not. Use our register to do this.Mandatory registerUnder the UK GDPR, you ... Read more
09 Nov 2018
Credits: 1