Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Mental health holiday policyIf you want to allow your employees to take a designated date off work each year as a mental health holiday, outside their normal annual leave provisions, you can put our policy in place.Promoting mental healthIf you would... Read more
17 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Policy version formOur form provides historical data about each update made to a policy, including the nature of the amendment, the date of it and who it was approved by, as well as a policy version number. That way, you can keep track of amendments ... Read more
11 Mar 2019
Credits: 1
Offer of voluntary internship letterOur offer of voluntary internship is for use where you're offering a work shadowing placement in which the intern is there to observe what happens in the workplace but carries out no work. It's not, however, suitable... Read more
07 Dec 2012
Credits: 1
Personal statement review helpsheetOur personal statement review helpsheet will assist you in sorting out the good personal statements on job applicants' CVs from the poor ones. You can go through the two lists as part of your recruitment process when... Read more
03 Jul 2017
Credits: 1
Professional qualifications requestYou probably take up references on a prospective employee but do you take steps to check the other information they've provided on their CV or in an application form, for example, their academic and professional qual... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
Recruitment authorisation formThe first stage in recruitment is to check what your business requirements are. Do you really need a new member of staff and, if so, are you proposing to recruit at the right level of seniority? Always take care with you... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Previous employment confirmation requestIn an ideal world a previous employer would happily provide you with a reference in respect of a candidate that you've offered a job to. But what if they don't? Use our previous employment confirmation request f... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
Pre-employment checklist This checklist may be used where a job offer has been accepted to assist in checking that any pre-conditions and checks have been satisfied or carried out and lists the main things to think about when a new employee starts t... Read more
19 Oct 2016
Credits: 1
Internal statement announcing employee's departureUse our statement to make an internal announcement to other members of staff that an employee is leaving, or has left, your employment.Communication of departureWhen an employee leaves your employment,... Read more
08 Jul 2019
Credits: 1
Exit questionnaireAsking employees who have resigned to complete an exit questionnaire and attend an exit interview will enable you to gather useful information about their reasons for leaving. It will also enable you to identify problems and to take... Read more
30 Oct 2020
Credits: 1