Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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No oral variation clauseA no oral variation clause is one which states that any contract amendments or variations must be in writing, so oral agreements are ineffective. If you include it in employment contracts, it can give certainty, but make sure ... Read more
09 Nov 2018
Credits: 1
Luncheon vouchers clauseIf you provide staff with luncheon vouchers, you need to expressly refer to this benefit in their written statement of employment particulars.Statutory requirementFor employees (and workers) who began their employment on or af... Read more
02 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
Notices clauseUse our notices clause to include express provisions in the employment contract on how notices may be given and when they're deemed to have been received for contractual purposes. In the absence of an express contractual term, your writt... Read more
02 Jun 2017
Credits: 1
GDPR employee data processing checklistOur checklist sets out the various tasks you'll need to undertake to ensure UK GDPR compliance. Whilst some involve producing documents, others are geared towards checking your current processing operations and t... Read more
27 Mar 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR data subject access response letterUse our GDPR data subject access response letter to set out your reply to a data subject access request that's been made under the UK GDPR.Response requirementsThe UK GDPR enables individuals to access the perso... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
GDPR data subject access clarification/refusalBefore responding to a data subject access request, the UK GDPR says that you can use reasonable means to verify the individual's identity, or you can ask them to be more specific about the data sought wher... Read more
24 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR employee monitoring clauseInsert our clause into employees' employment contracts to reserve the right to monitor their use of your communications and computer systems. You'll need a lawful basis for processing and you must limit monitoring to the ... Read more
11 May 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR legitimate interests assessmentIf you intend to rely on legitimate interests as your lawful basis for processing certain personal data under the UK GDPR, you should first conduct a legitimate interests assessment.Lawful basis for processingTo pr... Read more
10 May 2019
Credits: 1
GDPR data subject access request formThe UK GDPR enables individuals to gain access, on request, to personal data that you hold about them. There's no particular format in which such a request should be made, but you can use our form to assist them wi... Read more
07 Mar 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR erasure of data request formThe UK GDPR enables individuals to make a request for the erasure of the personal data that you hold about them. You can use our form to assist them with making a request.The statutory rightUnder the UK GDPR, individu... Read more
06 Dec 2019
Credits: 1