Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Guidance note - grey water recycling and rainwater harvestingTechniques such as rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling can provide financially viable methods to significantly reduce the amount of water used within the workplace. Reduction of w... Read more
02 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Register of environmental legislation - waterOur register of environmental legislation - water helps to identify the law relating to water which applies to your business and what you're doing about it.Why you need our registerOur Register of Environme... Read more
04 Oct 2021
Credits: 1
Water wastage surveyWasting water not only costs you money, but energy is needlessly expended in bringing it to your door. Use our form to check out your arrangements and pinpoint problems.Time for a review?When managing premises it's easy to get bogg... Read more
01 Jun 2022
Credits: 1
Guidance note - discharge of waste waterIf you want to allow waste water to leave your land and pass into the ground or nearby waters, there are certain legal loopholes to jump through. Our guidance note explains more.Protecting the environmentIf bus... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Emergency grab pack contentsAn emergency grab pack is something which you might consider pulling together for your premises as part of your emergency response procedures. Our checklist will help you decide what to include.What's covered?An emergency g... Read more
06 Apr 2021
Credits: 1
Water pollution risks checklistWater pollution can occur by accidental run-off, process failures which exceed permitted discharge levels, and incorrect management of plant or storage areas etc. To help you assess and manage the risks we've produced a ... Read more
01 Mar 2019
Credits: 1
Letter enclosing copy of employee's contract of employment Sometimes, a forgetful employee will lose their original contract of employment and you'll be asked to provide them with a copy. Alternatively, you might feel it's appropriate to draw their atte... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
Property issued to employee form Over one million employees steal from employers like you each week. You might think it's low value theft, such as the odd bit of stationery, but expensive items regularly go missing too. The risk rockets if a record is... Read more
01 Dec 2017
Credits: 1
Whistleblowing training recordUse our whistleblowing training record to show that you've provided training on this subject to your workers. You'll need to do this to avoid being vicariously liable for detrimental treatment of whistleblowers by your wor... Read more
07 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Allergy emergency action planA severe allergic reaction can prove fatal unless immediate and effective action is taken. Use our form to ensure you are prepared.What is covered?If you have staff (or students, residents, service-users etc.) who are at ... Read more
06 Apr 2020
Credits: 1