Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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GDPR data subject rights clarification/refusalUse our letter to respond to a data subject who has requested the erasure, rectification or restrictions on the processing of their personal data, where further information is required to identify the indi... Read more
05 Mar 2021
Credits: 1
GDPR erasure of data response letterYou can use our letter to set out your reply to an individual's request, made under the UK GDPR, for erasure of some or all of their personal data that you hold about them. Erasure of personal dataWhere any of the g... Read more
09 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Performance review meeting order of proceedingsPerformance review meetings need to be conducted in a constructive manner, with a view to putting measures in place to help the employee to improve their performance. If dismissal is being contemplated, ... Read more
04 Nov 2016
Credits: 1
Redeployment offer after performance review meetingWhere you're at the stage where you can dismiss an employee for ongoing poor performance, you should first consider whether to offer them available alternative employment to which they might be more s... Read more
13 Dec 2021
Credits: 1
Poor performance dismissal after refusal of redeploymentWhere you've offered an employee redeployment as an alternative to being dismissed for ongoing poor performance, but they've declined your offer, the next stage is usually to dismiss them.Dismissa... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
Notification of disciplinary investigationUse our notification of disciplinary investigation letter to inform an employee in writing of the allegations against them and that an investigation will be carried out. If necessary, hold an investigatory me... Read more
11 Mar 2022
Credits: 1
Out of time appeal request outcomeWhere an employee has lodged a late appeal in disciplinary or grievance cases and requested a time extension, once you've considered the case, you'll need to let them know the outcome of their request, which you can do... Read more
13 May 2022
Credits: 1
Overlapping disciplinary and grievance matters letterIf an employee submits a formal written grievance whilst you're following your disciplinary procedure in relation to them, you need to decide how you're going to tackle that.Acas Code of PracticeThe ... Read more
03 Mar 2023
Credits: 1
Request to attend investigatory meetingOnce allegations have been made against an employee relating to misconduct in the workplace, the first step is to conduct a proper investigation. Particularly where the allegations are reliant on the witness evi... Read more
07 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Pre-dismissal checklistThis checklist covers matters to be considered prior to dismissing employees and can help to ensure compliance with the various legal requirements surrounding dismissals. Fair reason for dismissalMake sure you have a fair reas... Read more
27 Sep 2016
Credits: 1