Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Fixed-term contract expiry dismissal letterAfter you've had a meeting with an employee to discuss the proposal to dismiss them on the expiry of their fixed-term contract, if you go ahead you can use our letter to effect it. It's also suitable for use i... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter confirming payment in lieu of noticeWhere you've stated an employee isn't required to work out their notice period and instead will be paid in lieu of notice, use our letter to confirm the PILON payment. You need to work out whether it's a contra... Read more
20 Nov 2018
Credits: 1
Early release from notice letterUse our letter when an employee has resigned and you agree to release them from the requirement to serve out their full contractual notice period. Make sure it's made clear that they will not be paid for any part of the... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Frustration of contract letterOur frustration of contract letter is only for use in limited circumstances usually related to the long-term imprisonment of an employee. Be aware that the courts don't generally like the concept of frustration being appl... Read more
11 Mar 2014
Credits: 1
Ex gratia termination payment receiptOur ex gratia termination payment receipt not only asks the employee to confirm receipt of an ex gratia payment but it also enables you to reach a full and final settlement on their contractual claims related to t... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Letter advising employee has leftUse our letter to notify external third parties, such as clients and customers, of an employee's departure. Make sure you take prompt steps to arrange a handover of their work to another employee or new recruit as you ... Read more
05 Jul 2013
Credits: 1
Letter to confirm parental bereavement leaveWhere an employee has given you informal notice that they're taking parental bereavement leave following the death of their child under 18, or a stillbirth, you can follow this up with our letter.Informal no... Read more
05 Jun 2020
Credits: 1
Maternity leave cover clauseOur clause can be included in an employment contract where the individual is to be employed to provide cover for a fixed-term period for an employee going on maternity leave.Potentially fair dismissal reasonS.106 Employmen... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
Change of shared parental leave requestWhere an employee wishes to change the start or end date of any period of shared parental leave, they must give you written notice of variation. This is what our form is for.Variation or cancellationOnce an empl... Read more
14 May 2021
Credits: 1
Maternity checklistThis checklist sets out the main issues to be considered when an employee is pregnant. You can give enhanced contractual maternity leave and pay if you wish, for example, you may be willing to pay more than statutory maternity pay ... Read more
19 Oct 2016
Credits: 1