Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Post-dismissal checklistThis checklist should be used following all dismissals to assist in compliance with legal requirements. RestraintsAlso see our Pre-Dismissal Checklist and its introduction for matters to be considered prior to dismissing emplo... Read more
27 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Letter seeking agreement to reduce pay to avoid redundanciesUse our letter to seek employees' agreement to reduce their salaries in order to avoid staff redundancies. Make sure you deal with the situation sensitively and fairly and be prepared for som... Read more
09 Jul 2014
Credits: 1
Overpayment of wages letter for ex-employeeIf you discover an accidental overpayment of wages after an employee has left your employment, use our letter to ask them to pay the monies back. If they refuse to repay and you're not willing to write off th... Read more
08 May 2015
Credits: 1
Retention bonus letterA retention bonus is a payment offered as an incentive to keep a key employee in your employment during a particularly crucial business cycle. Our letter sets out the amount of the bonus and outlines when, and in what circumstan... Read more
12 Apr 2019
Credits: 1
Overpayment of wages repayment receipt letterWhere an employee or ex-employee has been repaying an earlier accidental overpayment of wages, once they've fully paid off their debt you can use our letter to confirm that.Current employeesWhere there's bee... Read more
12 Oct 2021
Credits: 1
Real Living Wage increase advice letterThe real Living Wage is an hourly rate which is calculated independently according to the real cost of living in the UK and London. It's entirely voluntary. If you do pay the real Living Wage, our letter can be u... Read more
11 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
GDPR data protection policyOur data protection policy statement reiterates the important data protection principles set out in the UK GDPR, outlines out how you intend to comply with them and clarifies what rights and obligations an employee has both... Read more
11 Feb 2022
Credits: 1
Hybrid working policyUse our policy to set out your hybrid working arrangements and what rights and responsibilities you and your staff have during such arrangementsWhat is hybrid working?Hybrid working, also known as agile, blended or remote working... Read more
16 Aug 2022
Credits: 1
Health and safety policyOur health and safety policy statement is an essential document to outline your general policy regarding the health and safety at work of your employees. AsĀ it's a statutory requirement for most employers to have a health and ... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Gifts from clients/suppliers policyIt's always nice to receive tokens of appreciation from your clients. However, the receipt of gifts by employees can be open to abuse and they could even constitute bribes. Our gifts from clients/suppliers policy ensur... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1