Introduction to this document

Safety briefing - accident prevention

This briefing describes the basic actions required of employees to help in the prevention of accidents.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Safety Briefing - Accident Prevention is to explain to staff that accidents are often caused by unsafe acts and to give an understanding of how they can avoid those mistakes and contribute to a safer workplace.

The causes of accidents

The second part of the document gives a number of examples of unsafe acts such as using defective equipment, not concentrating and ignoring training.

The consequences of accidents

The briefing covers personal and organisational consequences of accidents in the workplace.

Control measures

We’ve included a list of basic expectations for safe behaviour whilst at work, e.g. not working under the influence of alcohol or drugs, only operating equipment which staff have been authorised to use and reporting any problems promptly to a supervisor.

Key points

The key points remind those receiving the briefing that the majority of accidents are caused by unsafe acts and that all employees must play their part in preventing them. They are also told that safety rules are to be followed, and that if there is any difficulty in doing so, they must alert their supervisor.